Notify your team when yor are going to leave the office

вторник, 29 июля 2008 г. ·

What a strange situation? I want to discuss developer activity and can't find him! I'm not a manager, but i'm a team lead and i'm planing activity of this developer. So if developer is leaving office without any notification he should be punished. He should notify manager and his team. It's everything clear about boss. By why all team? Because team members may have questions to leaving person. So it's better to answer these questions before leaving the office. Otherive will have problems for sure!

Conclusion: If you don't want to have problems with your boss so don't leave the office without notifying him and your team.

2 коммент.:

Alexandrina комментирует...
29 июля 2008 г. в 01:59  

Yes, such irresponsible members in team may ruin the process of development. So, is is very important to let them know about lead notification before they leave. My programmers notify me about their shedule changes, so I can plan our work without problems.

Andrei комментирует...
29 июля 2008 г. в 04:35  

I think salary should depend on developer liability

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